New Information and Equipment

Reign was lying on his bed and looking at the stat window present in front of his eyes.

Name : Reign

Level : 5

Class : None (more info in the class menu)

Race : Human (more info in the race menu)

Attribute points : 4

Strength : 13 (14) (+1 from ability)

Agility : 13 (15) (+2 from ability)

Endurance : 12

Vitality : 12

Willpower : 10

Spirit : 10


Knife Proficiency D

Hand to hand combat B




Lightning manipulation S ( lvl 2 exp: 25%)

"So my ability actually leveled up after that fight, +1 to agility huh, well can't ask for more right now."

Small sparks of electricity formed on Reign's hand, he couldn't fall asleep so he decided to practice his ability a little bit.

Small sparks of blue electricity formed on his hand. They disappeared very quickly, only for new ones to appear right away.

"I can make electricity appear with just a bit of effort but that's it, I can't control it at all, I can't even make it appear at any other place except my hands either."

Reign looked at the sparks in his hands and thought about what he should do.

"Control, I need to gain more control over this power, right now I can only shock enemies that I can touch, had I had more control over it I could have thrown a charged knife at the cockatrice and shocked it, the fight would have been a lot easier that way."

Reign layed down and looked at the ceiling, going over everything that happened today.

"To think the world would change so suddenly, I have to get stronger, me and everyone else."

Reign closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep.

The next morning, the sleeping beau- Reign, the sleeping Reign was woken by loud knocks on his door.


"Wake up man, we have to get to the captain now, everyone's waiting for you!"

He could hear Shadow shouting from behind the door, Reign slowly got up from the bed and shouted back:

"Alright, I'm up, be there in a second!"

Reign went to a nearby nightstand where some new clothes were placed. Examining them, he nodded his head in contentment.

"Wow, this is actually equipment, not bad."

{ D rank leather armor }

Def: 15

Agility + 1

Description: A normal leather armor that offers minimal protection and stat boost.

{ D rank leather boots }

Def: 10

Agility + 1

Description: Normal leather boots that offer minimal protection and stat boost.

{ D rank leather pants }

Def: 10

Endurance + 1

Description: Normal leather pants that offer minimal protection and stat boost.

" So these give defense and some stats, good, with these we should have fewer injuries when fighting."

Reign put on the equipment and looked at himself in the mirror. The leather was black with some dark blue lines on it, looking like lightning bolts were trapped on it.

"It's cool but, aren't the lines a bit eerie?"

Reign said while checking it out, the armor had 2 pockets on each side, 1 chest pocket, and 2 inside of it, their size was good, and he could definitely put some short knives or monster parts there.


Reign unlocked his door and opened it, stepping outside, he could see that everyone got new clothing too.

Shadow was wearing dark blue and gray armor, the design was a bit different from his as well, it was slicker, and looked like it was made for fast movement and stealth. Beast was wearing a green suit of armor, he looked like a druid with it, the armor looked like it was made from leaves and tree bark, even though it was the same as theirs. Wolf had a bright red armor on, some light white lines were painted on it, giving the illusion of fire dancing on it. Lastly, Tank wore gray armor that looked a lot bulkier than the others, the front side of the armor had multiple layers of leather and it looked a bit like a scale mail.

"Oh, so it wasn't only me that got armor huh?"

"You're late, let's go, we have a lot to do today, you guys haven't forgotten the chests we got from the system didn't you?' (Wolf)

"Oh right, let's open them now!"

Shadow excitedly said and tried to call out the system, but Wolf stopped him.

"Let's do that outside, we should go to the captain first."

"Alright, I guess you're right…"

Shadow's mood was immediately dampened, but the fact that they will get even more items still lingered in his mind.

"Chests, what are you talking about, what chests?"

Tank looked over and asked them

"We got them from defeating the giant cockatrice, I'll explain on the way, let's not keep the soldier waiting."

Reign said while walking towards the soldier the captain sent.

"Oh that's great, if you guys get any spare weapons can I get one, I'm not good with knives you know, and the shield isn't really that good for attacking."

"Don't worry, if nobody wants a weapon we'll give it to you."

Tank and Reign finished their conversation right upon arriving in front of the captain's office, the soldier knocked and politely spoke:

" I have brought the players captain."

"Good, get in."

A calm voice was heard from inside the room, the soldier nodded and opened the door.


Reign and the others entered the room while the soldier stayed outside and closed the door behind them. In front of them, they see the back of the captain who was looking outside the window. He slowly turned around and sat on his chair.

"Sit down everyone."

He looked completely different from yesterday, the energetic face and voice were gone, replaced by a serious one, everyone sat down and listened to him.

"First of all, I must apologize for my behavior yesterday, I guess a was a bit overexcited."Eldar coughed lightly and told them with an embarrassed face. " But now, let me explain why I and the other soldiers are here."

"You see, "the game" that you guys are participating in isn't really something that happens often, the alliance usually eases up things before letting more mana in a world and giving tests similar to this one, alas times have changed, our enemies have started using a different approach, one like this and we had no choice but to follow."

Eldar slowly explained things to everyone, the origin of "the game" and details about the so-called alliance were not mentioned but holes in their knowledge were slowly being filled.

"The reason why I and the others are here is because the higher-ups still don't want to leave everything to chance, making the so-called safe zones and putting soldiers here gives people more of a fighting chance."

Eldar slowly got up and walked in front of his table.

"I volunteered to come here, you don't need to know the details why, but just know that I'll try my best to protect and help you guys, the better my zone does the better of a record I have, so you don't need to worry about that."

"S-sir, can I ask you a question?"

Beast raised his hand and asked with a shy voice.

"Oh, yes, ask away."

"What is the purpose of the game?"

"Ah, see, the goal of the game is for one person in the world to transcend, that's all I can tell you, but once it happens that's it, the game is finished, your planet is safe and part of the alliance."

"Transcend, transcend what?" Reign asked.

"As I said, that's all I can tell you so far, now moving on, levels, as you probably saw you can get a class at level 10, the system will tell you more about that in due time but what you need to know is that monsters change at level 10 as well, a level 9 monster and a level 10 can't be compared, so until you get a class, never and I mean never, try to fight a level 10 and above."

"So that's why I felt such pressure from that boar."

Wolf talked with a low voice and said.

"Well, sorry to say but that's all, off you go now, the corpse will be given to you at the entrance, by the way, I suggest you go the blacksmith right away."

Eldar sat down and waved his hand, a strong gust of wind blasting everyone at the door, right before hitting it, the wind disappeared and the door opened, in a second they found themselves standing outside.

"W-what just happened?"

Tank gulped and asked everyone with a befuddled face.

"He kicked us out, well, let's go, we have chests to open and a corpse to give."

Reign moved towards the teleport circle nearby. "Oh, and you two try to not throw up this time ok?" He turned his head around and said, right before disappearing with a flash.


Shadow grumbled and stepped in after him.

Outside of the castle a soldier came and got the cockatrice out of a ring he was wearing. He briefly explained that the ring worked as a storage device and that they can get them as well. When told the price of it though they immediately calmed down.

"Alright, chest time, let's open the chests!!"

Shadow jumped around with excitement while yelling.

"Alright, for god's sake calm down."

Wolf grabbed him by the collar and said with annoyance.

"Alright, system, we'd like to receive our rewards now."

Reign calmly announced.

{ Announcement: player 06 and his party were the first to successfully kill an elite monster, the rewards are the following. }

-50 S coins -

- 1 Mysterious item box –

With a flash of light 4 rainbow-colored chests materialized in front of them

"Oh me first, me first!"

Shadow immediately jumps at his chest and opens it.

{ Mysterious item box opened, gained 30 S coins and D rank Iron Headband}

{D rank Iron Headband }

Def: 10

Vitality + 1

Description: an Iron Headband that someone made, nobody knows why someone made such a useless item but it gives its wearer a bit of defense and health to the body.

"Well, that sucks."

Shadow held the headband in front of him with a frown, the design of it was quite nice actually, patterns and lines were carved on it, giving it a nice look.

{ Mysterious item box opened gained C rank Steel Mace }

"Seems like I was quite lucky this time, Tank, what do you think about using this?"

Reign asked Tank while holding a big mace. Its length was about 1,2m long and its head was about 10cm in diameter.

"Hahahaha, I like it, with this baby for attacking and this shield for blocking no one will be able to hurt you guys."

Tank laughed while showing off his shield, the shield was quite bland, no patterns or inscriptions were on it, it just looked like a big slab of metal. With a width of 0.5m and a height of 1.2 meters, it was quite a large and heavy shield, of course with his incredible strength, Tank had no problems with using it.

"I just got 100 S coins."

Wolf announced.

"I got this"

Beast showed everyone an armband that he got from the item box.

{ B rank elven armband}

Def: 45

Agility + 4

Spirit + 5

Willpower + 4

Description: an armband usually used by the elites of the elven army, by focusing mana on it it can create a shield of pure mana to defend its wearer.