

The giant sword slammed into a goblin and almost cleaved it in half. The huge sword continued and smashed into the ground, lodging itself in it. The corpse of the goblin was right under it and looked grotesque, with broken bones and flesh spilling out of it.

{Battle has been concluded, distributing experience...}

-Lvl2 Goblin killed, 20exp points gained-

-Lvl2 Goblin killed, 20exp points gained-

{The party has earned 40exp points, distributing evenly to all}

The sword managed to crush its skull, making its eyes pop out and brain matter together with blood splashed everywhere, it didn't end there though. The ribcage of the goblin was protruding from its body, the strength of the sword slash was strong enough to break the ribs and destroy the heart, it only stopped when it got to the end of its stomach.


With a loud shout, Wolf lifted it up, blood and pieces of flesh rising with it, splattering him once again. Wolf didn't care, he loved his new weapon, the exhilarating feeling he got when using it was like no other. With a big grin, he lovingly stared at his sword, the smile together with his bloody armor gave off a chilling feeling.

"Dude, you don't think he was like a serial killer or something before he got here?"

"No, his fighting skills are too good to be something like that, but I really do wonder about his past, nobody can become like this with a normal upbringing, you and I know that very well."

Reign and Shadow conversed with each other while Tank and Beast looked at Wolf from the side, Tank was calm, the sight of the carnage in front of him didn't bother him at all but Beast was shaking, just killing monsters was enough to make him nauseous, but this, this was too much.

Even without participating in the battle this time he almost vomited during it, Wolf's bloodthirsty style of fighting with his sword was completely different than with knives. He just went at his enemies and used the advantage the sword's length gave him to completely destroy the 2 goblins they found, with the first one he fought while maintaining a lighter weight, and using just 1 hand he was able to quickly destroy the goblin's hand and behead it.

The other one he went with the opposite, by making his sword as heavy as he could he simply slashed once with both of his hands and it was enough to end it.

"Yeah, I think this will be enough practice, I already have a solid grasp of using it, my proficiency is still low but I'm confident in leveling it up fast."

Wolf was walking towards them with the sword propped upon his shoulder. The white and red armor looked menacing with all the bloodstains left on it.

"So, are we finally going to find some monsters of level 5 and above?"

"Yeah, the faster we become stronger the better."

Slowly, they made their way through the forest, Beast by using his ability helped them to steer off any dangerous monsters and Wolf would scout every time Beast wasn't certain. The party was now looking at a group of monsters that Wolf scouted.

< Lvl7 Kobold >

< Lvl5 Kobold >

< Lvl6 Kobold >

3 Kobolds were in front of them, resting against nearby trees. The kobolds looked like big lizards that walked on two legs. Their arms were long and sharp claws could be seen on them, their dark red scales shined a bit every time a ray of sunlight hit them. They had a long neck and a lizard like head with a big long mouth, everyone knew that a bite from them would be incredibly painful.

They weren't without any equipment though, they had a cloth tied around their waist, falling down to their knees, their upper body was naked, their muscles and scars visible to everyone. Two of the kobolds had a spear, the level 5 kobold was sitting underneath a tree and hugging his spear, being alert even while resting, the level 7 was eating something nearby, his spear resting about 1m away from him. The last kobold was using a crude sword, the sword was shabby and full of nicks, its blade looked a bit dull but still dangerous.

"What do you guys think, should we attack them?" Shadow asked everyone

"Well we do have superior numbers and equipment, not to mention the element of surprise is also ours."

"Yes, if we use the usual tactic, Beast hitting the strongest with a fully charged arrow and the rest of us charging right away we should be able to win without issues." Wolf confidently said, his demeanor changing slowly, like a predator looking at prey.

"Alright, I think Tank should charge the level 5, me and Shadow will go to the level 6, and Wolf, you think you can manage the level 7?"

"I can't say for certain now, if it's injured then probably yes, if not I might have issues."

"Alright, let's go then, that rusty spear won't be able to touch me with my shield anyway, so don't worry about it."

Everyone nodded and dispersed, Beast sighed and took out an arrow. Before they got here he poured mana into the quiver to create a stronger arrow, even when he poured half of it only 1 arrow was made, that's the one he was using now.

Everyone got into position, as usual, Beast notched his arrow and pulled the string, pouring mana again, the arrow slowly started being coated in green light. Waiting for a bit, he stopped and aimed at the strongest kobold. With a steady breath and a steady arm he released the arrow.

Right before the arrow was released, something happened. The kobold flinched a bit and looked at Beast, even while being far away it still managed to see a glimpse of him and the green arrow, it dodged to the right, where his spear is.


The arrow was fast, much faster than the other arrows Beast had used, in a mere moment it found its way to the kobold and managed to hit its shoulder. Unfortunately, the kobold's reflexes were too fast for Beast and the arrow only managed to graze it.

Everyone had already charged and now it was too late to go back, turning their backs to the enemy would make them easy targets.

"This is bad, they reacted a lot faster than we thought." Wolf thought while going straight at the now armed kobold, it roared in anger as it realized that they had been attacked.

The other spear-wielding kobold tried to get to him but Tank showed up from its side, with his shield propped up he charged at him, like a battering ram that destroyed everything in front of him.

The kobold lunged to the side and managed to evade the charge, now stopped he glared at the giant in front of him and readied his spear.

Shadow and Reign jump out of hiding and face the sword-wielding kobold from its left and right respectively.

The kobold held his sword in front of himself and glanced at them with no fear.

The battle had started, it was not the start that they were hoping for but it was one they had to accept.