End of the Hidden Dungeon

Wolf grabbed the head of the defeated boss and looked at it with a curious expression on his face.

"You really did manage to rough us up good you giant meathead, but now just go and rot with the other corpses." Throwing the head away he kicked the body over and walked towards the others with Tank.

{Players have successfully defeated the hidden dungeon boss Groll with his shaman, calculating rewards…}

- 3000 exp gained

- 120 S coins gained

- Rank B Groll's hammer acquired

- Rank B Staff of healing acquired

- Rank C Kings belt acquired

- Rank C Kings gloves acquired

- Rank C Ring of Strength acquired

- Rank C Ring of Rejuvenation acquired

"Shit, we got 2 B ranks and 4 C rank equipment, awesome!" Shadow jumped in delight when he saw all the rewards they got, encouraging the others to quickly come, they all inspected the items together.

{Rank B Groll's hammer }

Attack: 65

Def : 20

Strength + 2

Description : The hammer used by the chieftain of the goblin tribe Groll, it has been used for a long time by him to squash all of the enemies on his path to becoming the chieftain and boosts tremendous power, once a day the user can activate the skill hidden inside it.

Skill description : Groll's phantom, by activating the skill the user can summon a phantom of Groll that will fight alongside him, the skill costs no mana and will be active for 10 minutes or until the phantom gets destroyed, the user can choose to pour mana in the phantom to strengthen and heal it.

{Rank B Staff of healing }

Attack : 5

Def : 5

Willpower + 2

Spirit + 3

Boosts all healing-type spells by 25%

Description : A staff used by a wizard who died in battle near a mountain, by chance, a group of goblins stumbled upon it and decided to give it to their chieftain who passed it to the only shaman the tribe had. The staff was made from a tree nurtured by elves and has a magical effect of empowering healing spells, the user can also pour mana into it to create a barrier that will defend against attacks, the strength of the barrier depends on how much mana was used to construct it.

{Rank C Kings belt }

Atk: 0

Def : 5

Strength + 1

Vitality + 2

Description : A belt worn by the chieftain of the goblins Groll, after his fall a part of his soul was trapped in it, changing the quality of the belt and making it stronger.

Set Bonus ?

{ Please equip both set pieces to gain information about the set bonus.}

{Rank C Kings gloves }

Atk: 5

Deff : 5

Strength +2

Endurance + 1

Description : A pair of gloves worn by the chieftain of the goblins Groll, after his fall a part of his soul was trapped in them, changing the quality of the gloves and making them stronger.

Set Bonus ?

{ Please equip both set pieces to gain information about the set bonus.}

{ Rank C Ring of strength }

Strength + 5

Description : A ring imbued with a mysterious magic, has the effect of increasing the strength of whoever wears it.

{Rank C Ring of Rejuvenation }

Spirit + 2

Description : A ring imbued with a simple spell of healing, the user can imbue mana to use the spell, the strength of the spell however will be inferior to a proper spell of healing.

"All of the B rank items are useless for us…" Beast looked at the items and hung his head down in disappointment, none of them use a huge hammer to fight and they have no healer, making the two powerful items worth nothing to them.

"Well not entirely." Said Reign as he glanced behind him at Greenie who was looking at the hammer with a hurried breath.

"Hahahahahaha, seems like Greenie only likes big weapons, no matter what they are!" Tank laughs full-heartedly at the sight.

"Well I'm the only one who uses a two handed weapon and I don't want to switch my sword for that thing there." Wolf says while he gives a sneer towards the giant hammer in front of them. "So I propose we give it to him, he is part of the team anyway." He proposes while shrugging his shoulders.

"Alright, we all agree then?" Reign asked everyone and they nodded in agreement.

"Well that's it then, Greenie you can take it, and stop looking at it like that, it's weird." Greenie jumps at the hammer and starts swinging it in circles nearby, looking like a high school girl that fell in love the first time. In his excitement he didn't even hear Reign and simply continued with his antics.

Looking at his subordinate who was acting weirdly, Reign sighed in disappointment before turning around to distribute the other items with his party.

"Wolf is the one that focuses on strength the most so the ring goes to you, the staff is, well, like Beast said, it's quite useless to us now so let's just put it in the inventory, now, for the set items and the ring, I already have a good sword and some items, Tank has a set, so you two decide on who gets what." Reign shrugged his shoulder with disinterest and walked away, leaving only Beast and Shadow to talk.

"Honestly Beastie I'm alright with either one so you can choose which you prefer." Shadow sat down on the ground as he told Beast.

"Well, I'm always at a distance with my bow, you are the one that uses both long-range attacks and fights at a close distance, so how about I take the ring?" Beast had become much more confident after all the battles he had gone through with everyone, without stuttering once he proposed to Shadow.

"Fine by me Beastie!" Shadow jumped up and took the two items, equipping them immediately, he checked out the bonus.

Set Bonus:

Strength + 2

Vitality + 1

Endurance + 1

"So no skill huh, well I guess it's better than nothing," Shadow said and shared the description with everyone.


{Players have successfully finished the hidden dungeon, exiting the dungeon in 3, 2, 1 }

A bright light followed the notification, sending everyone back in the white room.


{Players have successfully finished the 1st hidden dungeon in the world, special rewards will be given.}

{Players have finished the hidden dungeon with a perfect rating, distributing rewards.}

- 2000 exp given

- 200 S coins given

- Title given ( Dungeon Hunter )

{Players are the first to finish a hidden dungeon, distributing rewards. }

- 1500 exp given

- 100 S coins given

- Mysterious Gold chest given

- Title given (Dungeon Pioneer)

{Rewards have been distributed, transporting the players back in 3,2,1}

The bright light shone again as everyone opened their eyes in the familiar forest. Looking around, they smiled brightly and moved towards the castle, it was time for them to finally pick a class and become stronger.

{Tutorial phase finished, the systems rules are going back to normal, announcing the changes in 30 minutes. }

The system's voice was suddenly heard in their heads. Now that the so-called tutorial phase was over, things were going to become much harder than before, but everyone was confident that they would be ready for the future, they had to.