Getting Out of Danger

Everybody was running as fast as they could, the sound of a multitude of projectiles passing through the air could be heard. Tank mana shield was still up and managed to defend against most of them, some, of course, managed to pass nearby, either missing everyone or delivering some damage.


Reign winces in pain as a needle stabs his back, biting his lips he ignores the pain and continues running, knowing that stopping now meant certain death. The others were in no better condition, as more time passed in the pursuit the more wounds they got, some got scratches while some got stabbed like Reign.

"Shit, how much longer do we have to run to get away from them, we can't take much longer!" Shadow shouts as a needle passes by and cuts his arm.

"My shield won't be able to last much longer!" Tank shouts from the back of the party, his shield depended on his mana and right now he was running quite low on it, it was slowly becoming smaller as tiny cracks started forming on it.