Back in the Black Forest

Reign and the others move through the forest quickly, with their current strength they didn't need to fear any enemies that the newbie forest had, it was only when they arrived at the deep forest that they slowed down and moved more carefully, the deep forest didn't have a lot of dangers for them but wasting time and fighting smaller groups here wouldn't be beneficial to them, the faster they arrive at the black forest the better.

(I have 10 unused attribute points, maybe it's time to finally put them to use, my agility is 38 so I'm definitely leveling it up to 40, after all every 10 levels the attributes go through a change and the difference between having 39 points and 40 is much bigger than 1, with 8 points left I could increase either my strength or spirit to 40, hmm, what should I choose?)

{ Invest 2 free attribute points in agility?}

{ Yes / No }