Customizing a Weapon

As morning came everyone woke up, the whole night was spent peacefully as no monsters intruded upon the clearing between the forests. A welcome sight greeted them when they opened their eyes.


{ Sudden quest completed, party's contribution : 69% } (hehehe)

{ Final rating: excellent }

{ The following rewards are distributed to each member: }

- 300 S Coins

- 3 000 exp points

- An opportunity to make a custom piece of equipment

{ Choosing to make a piece of equipment will allow the players to choose any aspect of the equipment in question, the rank, type, appearance, and more, the more the player customizes the equipment the lesser in rank it can become, max rank is A }


{Player has enough experience to level up, leveling up!}

Level up!

{Current player level is 17, additional stats gained}

{ Strength + 1, Agility + 1, 2 free attribute points gained.}

Name: Reign