Going to the City

Reign continues staring into the empty space in front of him.

(He knows about the voice?)

Reign was asking himself in wonder. The voice was something that he started hearing in this dungeon, never before did anything remotely similar happen to him. For the man to actually know of it was incredibly suspicious.

(Maybe … maybe he knows what I am.)

That was Reign's final thought before the others get to him. They were all worried and didn't know what had happened, why did Reign attack the man, and what exactly happened in the end?

Reign simply told them that he and the man spoke telepathically and that they agreed for a friendly spar, but that he was beginning to lose control over his emotions a bit during the fight so the man stopped him and calmed him down. They all breathed out a sigh of relief, except that Wolf and Shadow both glanced at each other with slight worry in their eyes.

(Why, why are you lying to us Reign?)