Reign's Decision

Reign was stunned as he looked at the bloody floor around him. He was surrounded, there was no way out, he knew that. There were more than 100 Elite captains surrounding him, each holding a pitch-black scimitar the same as the previous captain wielded. Clad in purple flames that were slowly killing them in exchange for enormous power they slowly moved towards him, ready to deal the finishing blow.

"How did it end up like this?" Reign clutches his two swords as he looks behind the captains where an orc shaman was. The shaman was bigger compared to his normal counterparts by about 30%. Sitting on a steel throne the shaman was leaning his head against his left hand as he smiled at Reign.

A couple of minutes earlier.

As they were all climbing the stairs that led to the final floor of the dungeon Reign started hearing the voice again.

"Ohh, it's gonna be a really messy situation up there boy, you sure you wanna go?"

"Shut up."