Second vision

"Mine mine mine mine!!!!" Shadow lunges at the daggers while everyone laughs at his reaction. The daggers were truly a spectacular sight. The olive green metal was twisted at the handle and smoothened out for the blade. The two blades were quite different from each other, both by design and size.

One looked like how you would imagine a dagger to be, a short handle with a blade a bit longer than that of a kitchen knife. The sharp edge looked menacingly under the light as the green color gave it a bit of an evil aura. The back of the blade was thicker than the edge by about 1mm and had beautiful engravings on it.

The other dagger however was shorter and had small serrations on the edge that were similar to shark teeth. The serration would make it difficult for foes to remove the dagger once it was stabbed as the pain and damage it could cause while coming out would truly be great.