Gaining a Territory and Rewards

"Wait Eldar!" Reign runs to Eldar while shouting at him. Eldar stops and calmly turns around to face Reign.


"I'm going to stop you before you ask anything Reign, I value my life, therefore, I can't tell you anything." Reign looks at Eldar with confusion in his eyes.

"You value your life, what does that have to do with telling me anything?"

"You will understand in the future Reign, but for now know this, try to gain control over your powers as soon as possible, you have no idea how big of an impact your identity will be in the alliance if you don't," Eldar tells Reign with a serious expression before turning around and going to the hole in the roof.

After a couple of minutes, they were all back in the warehouse, Reign was still looking at Eldar from time to time as he didn't understand why his identity was such a big deal.