The Final Trial

{ The second trial has been finished, please wait for the final trial to start. }

"Final trial, so one more to go." Reign rests on the warm floor of the white room as he rests. His power at the end of the second trial was enormous, so enormous that his body couldn't stand it and started breaking down. He still felt the pain, even though there was none present right now.

The sensation of his bones breaking and his organs rupturing, the cracks on his skin that bled immediately after. It was too much for a normal human to go through, even he needed some time to rest after going through such an ordeal.

{ The final trial is starting, good luck player. }

A bright light flashes as Reign gets teleported from the white room. He was now standing in a big, dark hall. In fact, it wasn't only him, all of the others were teleported into the same trial space as he was. They all looked around themselves, but there was nothing in it, only black walls were around them.