Going to a New Area?

Tap, Tap

Eldar slowly walked towards Reign while wearing a smile on his face, soon he gets close to Reign and stops right in front of him while still smiling.

"Well, I'll tell you one thing, you and your squad are not in danger from your ability."


"See Reign," Eldar starts talking as he puts his arm around Reign's shoulder, "What's happening to you right now is simple, you're just not strong enough to completely control your ability, thus most of it bursts out from inside you in an attempt to, well, save your life."

"Save my life, what, how does that even work?"

"Well simple, imagine that you are, what was the name of those things you have here, ah, a balloon!" Eldar exclaims happily before continuing, "If you continue filling it up with air it explodes right, well that's what would happen to you if your black and white lightning stayed inside of you, you only need to become stronger and you'll get more control over it."