
Reign had to admit that the little talk he had with Lios did make him feel a bit better. He didn't mind acting as bait in this kind of a situation as he had hidden a good part of his strength during the banquet, of course, the enemy would probably already have expected that but they had no idea just how much power he hid. Reign was confident of taking down a couple of top combatants from the coalition by himself. Even if there were multiple of them similar in power to Lico, he was still certain that he could escape them after going all out.

Being told by Lios about what exactly the kingdom was planning to do made him feel a bit better about the whole thing, however. Being used by someone and being told that they planned on making him bait were two completely different things, Reign didn't know if they had planned on doing this from the start or if this was something that Lios did by himself without talking with the king, the first possibility was a bit higher, however.