Yufan and the Phantom

Reign and the leader of the army continued their battle, each of their attacks were filled with killing intent and it was clear that they were doing their best in order to harm the other.

Thanks to his weapon, the army leader had a slight advantage when it came to strength, but Reign had him beat in speed and he could still match him with both of his swords in a power contest, albeit barely.

As the battle continued Reign could feel as if something was wrong, his opponent was definitely not slacking off and that was obvious to Reign, but something still bothered him, he just couldn't figure out what exactly it was.

The leader suddenly stopped, his sword still pointing at Reign while a smile bloomed on his face.

"You're strong." He told Reign as he looked at him with a passionate gaze, one could easily mistake the man's gaze for a perverted one, but Reign knew that he was only excited because of their battle, nothing else.