A Missing Person

As Reign continued his mundane daily life in the fortification, something was happening in the capital back in the center of the kingdom. A shrouded figure was kneeling in front of an altar as many hooded figures could be seen in a huge underground area. All of them prostrated themselves as a person suddenly materialized from an altar located at the end of the area.

The person that had shown up was barely visible, but the intense demonic energy coming from it was enough to make all of the people present prostrate themselves and shake in fear and awe of the person. The figure at the very front of all the demonic worshipers stood up and started talking with the demon.

"I see." A grim voice echoed through the cave, the demon's voice was akin to metal grinding against metal, nonchalantly the demon continued, "A measly fighter that hasn't even gone through the first evolution, he won't be a problem at all, everything should continue as planned."