Loreno's Return

After some 30 hours of Wolf being in the cell with the fifth prisoner, the door opened as the two of them came out. Wolf walked him to his cell before opening the one next to it.

"It's your turn." Wolf smiled at the captured bone whose body flinched after hearing the words, he didn't want to go with Wolf of course, but there was nothing he could do, his body was chained up by chains that completely drained him of mana and he was incredibly weak at the moment.

At the same time, Wolf was doing his 'interrogation', Reign and Shadow were waiting for Greenie and Loreno to return. The chances of something happening to them were minuscule as not only was Greenie a Tier I fighter, but the other squads that went with him were also incredibly powerful.

They didn't need to wait long as Greenie and Loreno's group arrived about 1 hour after them. It was obvious that they had gone through a fight, but nobody seemed to be injured, which was a good thing.