A Crevice

"Well, thank you for your cooperation," Wolf said before drawing his greatsword and cutting off the demon's head. A slight smile could be seen on the flying head as it hits the ground, the demon being happy it was finally released from its suffering.

Before its soul could return, however, some kind of formless energy suddenly captured it as it got sucked into Reign. Aeithon swiftly captured the soul and put the demon in a cage, eager to do some experiments, just like it did with the souls that were captured during the fight against Luin.

"It's done," Reign told Laura who smiles at him before nodding slightly. They never really intended to let the demon get back to its planet and get a new body. They simply decided not to tell the demon and let him believe that it would be simply killed after everything was over. The demon never even suspected it since soul-based attacks were very rare before the Transcendent realm, let alone abilities.