Killing the Centipede


A powerful ray of lightning was launched from Reign's mouth as it hit the hole that his [ Lightning Stab ] had created, the ray quickly hits the hole before continuing inside the head of the centipede.

Before Reign could finish the monster, however, it quickly thrashed around and managed to make him fall down as he wasn't holding on with his katana anymore. The lightning stab took a lot of energy from Reign who had absent-mindedly loosened his foothold as he was certain of victory, only for that to make the victory go away.

Still, thanks to his combination of skills and Shadow's powerful attacks that were sent below the monster's head, it was now severely injured and death was certain. Even if they did nothing, the hole that was left from Shadow plus the fact that the [ Lightning Roar ] from Reign had fried a part of its head made survival almost impossible for the monster.

{ Warning, the monster has entered a berserk state. }