Transcendent Altar

"Well, you got the core," Aethion says as Reign's face turns into one of annoyance.

"I know that we got the core, what I'm asking is what the hell that is?"

"Ohhh, so you don't know what the core is, I see, I see," Aethion says with a fake surprised voice, making Reign and the others all annoyed once more.

"Alright, alright, I'll explain."

"The building you were just in is called a Transcendent Altar, you see, once a Transcendent gets used to his powers, there are multiple things to do in order to grow stronger, one of them is by forming connections with other worlds and making transactions with them."

"Now, that might sound time-consuming and useless, after all, what could those beneath the Transcendent realm offer to a Transcendent right?" Aethion paused before smiling and continuing.

"Well, a lot actually."