Fighting at the Oasis

"Get ready you guys!" Reign shouted with a smile on his face as he took out his two swords. Upon seeing two swords in his hands, the angels, including Mia, had peculiar expressions on their faces.

They had seen Reign carry a sword during the first challenge and thought he was a swordsman that liked carrying his weapon around instead of simply summoning it when needed. Of course, they had no way of knowing that the reason he carried the sword was that it was the rank B+ [ Broken Sword of Dominance ], with both swords he now had being rank S and above, he had no need to carry one on his waist at all times, but he did so thanks to being used to it.

As for the others, the angels had no particular reaction after seeing Tank wield his axe and shield, Greenie with his giant hammer nor Shadow using two daggers. But seeing Laura hold a wand and a grimoire was a bit weird.