End of the Battle with the Death Riders

"Well fought young man." The rider said as his torso started sliding from his waist. 

The destructive power that his fused skill had when boosted by the [ Lightning Charge ] skill was incredible, that coupled with the [ Severing, Lightning Slash ] made it impossible for the rider to survive.

Reign had used up pretty much everything at this point, he had used all the boosts that his rank A items provided, and the ones from the rank S ones. The boosts would only last for about a minute longer and then he would be left with nothing.

"You went easy on me, that's the only reason why I won." Reign said as he panted, he had used a lot of power in the last couple of attacks which had made him quite tired.

"Won, you said anything about winning?" The rider suddenly said as black smoke appeared around him. His torso suddenly re-attached itself with the help of the black some as even the wound that was made by Reign's lance started healing with visible speed.