A Weird Vision

Reign once again had a weird dream, a vision of sorts. They hadn't shown up for a long time, but now he had two visions one after the other.

There was a high mountain, it looked to be as large as a planet. On top of the mountain were a castle and many buildings from which people frequently came out and entered. Training grounds, bars, there were all kinds of facilities one could find on top of the gigantic mountain.

It was like Reign was looking at mount Olympus or the legendary Kunlun Mountains as they were once described to be places where gods resided. The clouds parted at the mountain, daring not to touch it.

The whole upper part of the mountain was shrouded by clouds and mist, letting nobody see what was above it. Even during the brightest days when no clouds were present, some would stay near the mountain, eternally shrouding it and keeping it hidden from the eyes of others.