The Demons Arrive

"Free, you want to make the Vajra a free person again, not your subordinate, why, he's a very competent one, not to mention that his power makes him a perfect subordinate for you, an incredibly rare find, I may say," Aethion said as he put his hand to his chin.

"He's not a subordinate, not anymore." Reign said with a sigh as Aethion smiled slightly.

"Ah, compassion, what a wonderful, and yet useless thing to possess." 

"Shut up, I asked you a question, can it be done or not?"

"Well, yes, it should be quite easy, to be honest, you simply need to let him go, it's as easy as simply telling the system that you wish to release a subordinate, but honestly, I would get the ogre ready first, I don't know how he will take it, he has grown quite attached to you as his master, you know?"

"I know, but he deserves to be free, none of us consider him to only be a subordinate, we haven't for a long time now." Reign said before sighing and closing his eyes.