Meeting the Dark Saintess

"This is the area, and that seems to be the approaching army." Reign said as he stared ahead.

There was a cloud formed out of demonic energy approaching the place he was currently staying at.

A gentle breeze blew from the side, making the grass move to the side and gently brush off against his combat boots. The blue lines of his armor gently moved around while Reign simply stood in the path of the cloud of demonic energy and waited for the enemy to approach him.

There were hundreds of demon worshippers inside the cloud, as well as a masked woman that was leading them. He could see through the cloud clearly, but it wasn't a pleasant feeling.

He felt disgusted from the very core of his being while staring at the cloud and the worshippers. He wanted to do nothing more than to charge in and slaughter them all, but he would wait, for now.