Killing the Second Demon, Reign Makes His Way Toward the Third

"Argh!" The demon grunted as he stared down at his chest, only to find a blood-soaked sword that had penetrated his heart. Lightning flickered around the sword as the demon turned his head around.

"Yo, Raigon." Reign said as he looked down at Raigon who had his eyes opened wide.


"I didn't plan on spoiling your heroic act, but honestly, even if you had done what you planned on doing, this bastard's soul would simply escape, so I'll take over if you don't mind of course."

"Hahahaha, no, I don't." Raigon said weakly as he smiled widely.

"Well, seems like that's it for you," Raigon said as he looked at the demon who growled nastily.

"You arrogant humans, just you wait, once I'm back, I'll destroy all of you, I'll sk-"