The Preparations for the Final Battle

"Originally, we should have 2 days before the demons arrive, but the leader might feel some pressure now and could potentially send the army earlier." Reign suddenly said as all the higher-ups in the tent nodded in agreement.

They had no idea why Reign knew all of this stuff, but they trusted the man as he had single-handedly saved them on multiple occasions.

"The demons already know that we have defeated the two armies, that is evident from the way they tried to get rid of all of us."

"The trap they placed for Raigon was a hastily made one, but it almost worked, the one they prepared for me and the king was definitely another hasty one, but a dangerous one nonetheless."

"Now, the biggest ace in our sleeves is the fact that the demon doesn't know just how powerful we are, he probably also doesn't know that we have not only killed but also trapped the souls of the powerful demons we have defeated."