The Fearsome Desert

Reign and the others ran as fast as they could as the monsters started rising from the sand. The giant figures of the monsters were still covered up by the sand that was falling down from them as they slowly rose as if they were just waking up from their sleep.

Reign used his lightning and grabbed M'azgara who was slower than the rest before speeding off while the rest used their abilities and skills to boost their speed to its fullest.

Seconds passed, but they seemed like hours to Reign and the others who were nervously looking around while running, concerned about the dramatic change in the area.

What they previously thought was an empty desert devoid of any life turned out to be a death trap with numerous powerful monsters who were all stronger than they were. Had they stayed here any longer and not made their way back immediately after reaching the beach, the chances of them escaping would have been dramatically low, perhaps even impossible.