Reign's Taunting, Amanda Rages

"I'm going to kill you."

"I'm going to find out where you came from and I am going to kill everybody that you care about as well."

"I will keep your soul alive and have you watch as I slaughter every single person that you have ever cared about, I will make you beg me to kill you, I will-"

"Shut up maybe, you're really annoying, you know?" Reign asked as he sighed before spinning his swords around him.

"All that strength and you have no idea how to use it, so many innocent people killed for what, for you to level up and boost your stats?"

"You've killed hundreds of innocent people already, probably even thousands, and this is all you have to show for it?"

"If it was me, I would probably kill myself out of embarrassment." Reign said with a smile before charging at the enraged Amanda.

Her halberd swung at Reign with incredible speed, only for Reign to dodge the attack and reach Amanda.