Tricking the Sword, Ending the Battle

"Soon, soon you will be too weak to even fight back." Reign said in a low tone as he continued dancing around the Abomination and cutting it constantly. The darkness element was one of the most destructive powers in the universe and the wounds formed from it were much harder to be healed compared to others.

For the Abomination, the darkness seemed like the perfect counter, the one power that could stop its regenerative powers almost completely, and Lyle was going to make sure to use it to its utmost.

'Dammit, I only have a couple of seconds remaining before the transformation ends.' Reign cursed in his head as he continued cutting the Abomination. He had gotten more in tune with his powers and his Nephilim state, so he was now able to notice when his transformation was coming to its end.

With the little time he had left, he wouldn't be able to finish the Abomination, he knew that.