Guardians of the Artifact: Unveiling the Mysterious Test

"No, wait, waitttt!!!" The soul suddenly shouted as it continued shaking heavily.

"I can help you, please, I can tell you everything you want to know, just spare me, please!" The soul continued beginning in a manner completely different from the previous arrogant demeanor it had.

"Oh, you will betray the artifact and help us?" Reign asked with a smirk as the soul seemingly nodded its head.

"Yes, we guardians have been born from the artifact and are connected to it, but that doesn't mean we are slaves to it, in all honesty, each one of us has been trying to take control over the artifact since-" 

"No … please no." The soul suddenly said as it stuttered before its soul was set ablaze by red flames.

The soul screamed in pain as it burned before disappearing in less than a minute.

"What happened?!" Basred asked as he stared at where the soul had once been.