Rising from Tragedy: Basred's Speech

"Our challenges have been fulfilled, the two of us can evolve whenever we wish," Reign told Basred who nodded at him.

"Will you help us take over the regions?"

"Of course, as long as we are allowed to stay here after the evolution, we will gladly help you destroy the demon scum and take back some territory," Reign told Basred with a serious expression which made Basred smile.

"We will start preparing for the funeral of Siggurd and the other right after arriving, the evolutions of you two will probably take a couple of hours, if you wish, we can wait until you are finished before we start with the funeral."

"I would appreciate that, even if we have only known one another for a short period of time, I considered all of them comrades, we have fought side-by-side and broke bread together, being there when they are put to rest is the least I can do for them." Reign said as he sighed.