The Demon Stronghold: A Triumph and a Revelation

The demon leaders, including Alszenom, were buried beneath the rubble of their once-mighty stronghold. The shockwave caused by the artifact's destructive power had decimated the inner chambers and left no survivors. The remaining demon forces, witnessing the devastation, were thrown into disarray, and their leadership shattered.

Reign, Basred, and the rest of their group wasted no time capitalizing on the chaos. They swiftly advanced through the stronghold's outer areas, subduing any remaining demon resistance. With the Tier V beings leading the charge, the demon guards stood little chance. The tide of the battle had decisively turned in humanity's favor.

Liara, still wielding the artifact's power, continued to manipulate the environment to her advantage. She reinforced barriers and shields to protect her comrades while weakening the fortifications of the demon forces. The artifact's abilities made her an invaluable asset in the ongoing battle.