Fighting Elites in the Jungle

"Another, from the left!" Reign's shout reverberated through the forest as Shadow and the others who were standing on the far left of where Reign was quickly jumped to the side as a figure suddenly appeared from below the ground.

The ground exploded, soil and hundreds of rocks scattering through the surroundings, causing some trees to fall down.

Reign, Aelrinder, and the rest of the team sprang into action, responding to the sudden appearance of the underground assailant. The jungle echoed with the clash of weapons, magical incantations, and the roars of monsters that had been disturbed by the commotion.

The creature that emerged was a grotesque amalgamation of rock and soil, a golem animated by dark forces. Its eyes glowed with an ominous light, and its massive limbs swung with destructive force. This was no ordinary monster; it was a manifestation of the lingering corruption that still plagued the jungle.