Attacking the Base: Facing Orobir

"Hmmm, your method of dispelling the wards is quite … different." Theron suddenly said in a whisper as Reign glanced at him with slight confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, it's definitely effective, don't think I mean differently, it's just … unrefined."

"You are not following the patterns of the wards, you're not trying to destabilize or truly dispel them, instead, you are simply using brute force to rip them apart before they could do a single thing."

"I have to say, this is the first time I seen a person that has such control over mana and uses it in such a way, most people try to destabilize the wards from within before turning them obsolete, causing them to stop working."

"What you are doing is akin to ripping apart a net, but doing it in such a manner that the ward doesn't even realize it, it is quite interesting and different from the ways I know."