Pursuit of Peace from the Shadows of War

Theron's suggestion hung in the air, the weight of its implications sinking in for everyone. The mysterious circumstances surrounding the conflict between Irason and Elais had been a source of tension for decades, fueled by accusations and grievances. If they could uncover the truth of what transpired two decades ago, it could be the key to unlocking a path to peace.

Reign, pondering the idea, spoke up, "So, we need to investigate the events of twenty years ago, find evidence, and bring it to light. But how do we approach this without alerting the kings or the nobles? If they catch wind of our investigation, it could jeopardize any chance we have at brokering peace."

Theron nodded, "Exactly. We need to operate discreetly, gather information from both sides and piece together the puzzle. Our goal is to uncover the truth, not to take sides. If we can present irrefutable evidence, it might force the kings to reconsider their positions."