Danger in the Jungle: The Evolving Corruption

"There's been movement from the corruption, but not like before," Gabriel said with a serious voice as Reign stared at him with confusion.

"It has … changed, at least in the way it operates in the jungle."

"I sensed it merely half an hour ago and have been trying to make sense of it, but … perhaps it is better to give you all a description of what is going on and to show it to you first," Gabriel said as he turned around and started walking to the tree, which was himself.

Right in front of the tree, a hologram suddenly appeared, one seemingly showing the entire jungle.

It was right at that time that Wolf and the others got out as well and stared at the projection with interest, as well as confusion.

Gabriel pointed to a section of the holographic jungle where a dark, swirling mass could be seen, pulsating with an ominous energy. "This is where the corruption has gathered," he explained. "But unlike before, it's not spreading outward."