The Corruption's Return

After slightly over a week of nothing, the corruption had returned.

But not like before.

In the past, there would be one or two sources of corruption that would give birth to a couple of corrupted areas.

Gabriel would be able to feel the main corrupted area that was placed first and in charge of dividing the corruption that was coming to the jungle and spreading it to form more corrupted areas.

It was relatively simple, and it was easy to stop it, one would have to start attacking the main area, which would defend itself, using the corruption to do so and slowing down the creation of corrupted areas significantly.

Destroying the source would make the main area weaker and weaker until finally, it would just run out of power, or be destroyed by the opponent.

Well now, the issue was the fact that Gabriel had already sensed 5 such main areas, and the number was still on the rise.