The Spreading Corruption

The enemy leader's rage fueled his attacks, each strike becoming more desperate and vicious. He unleashed torrents of corruption, aiming to overwhelm Reign with sheer force. The head priest, sensing the danger, began chanting incantations, preparing a powerful spell to aid his leader.

Reign, however, remained calm and focused. He anticipated the leader's moves, dodging and deflecting his attacks with precision.

Wolf quickly moved to stop the head priest as well, aiming to disrupt whatever he was chanting and planning to do. His flame glowed brightly as flames were launched at the head priest, threatening to devour him, but he didn't move an inch, he continued chanting as if nothing was happening.

Corruption rose in front of him, forming a thick wall that stopped the flames and defended him against Wolf's onslaught. Upon noticing it, Wolf poured more mana inside his sword and summoned more flames as he charged forward, aiming to strike the priest with his sword.