Against the Corruption: Reign's Battle for Time

Reign's heart pounded in his chest, the realization hitting him like a hammer. The entity was toying with him, using its overwhelming power to keep him at bay. Aethion and Jared's words echoed in his mind, urging him to just hold out for as long as he could.

'You need to buy time,' Aethion's voice echoed in Reign's head. 'You can't defeat it directly, but you don't need to, this entity is foreign to the world, and unfortunately for it, it has no idea that the Will of the world is one with a consciousness.'

'The system has just recently arrived, and some foreign entities will of course do their best to infiltrate the world and gain some benefits, but if the Will learns of their existence, it will do whatever it can to expel them.'

'You just need to hold out against this bastard, hold out until the Will learns of his existence through you, a seed of hope and a person that the Will has personally taken an interest in, and makes a move.'