The Grand Auction and the Powerful Items

The auctioneer's voice rang through the grand hall, the anticipation palpable among the attendees.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we now present the final items of the evening."

"These rare treasures have been sought after by many, and now, they are within your grasp."

The first of these final items was unveiled: a crystal orb, shimmering with an inner light. The auctioneer's voice took on a reverent tone.

"This is the Orb of Celestial Insight."

"It is said to grant visions of the future to those who possess it, however, the visions can be a bit too speculative and not exact, so we shall go low for start, the starting bid is 50,000 S Coins."

The room buzzed with excitement as the bidding commenced. The orb's potential was significant, and several factions immediately entered into a fierce bidding war. Reign and his team watched intently, observing who showed interest and at what price they were willing to pay.