
As Reign walked through the bustling streets of Doncaster, the weight of the impending confrontation with Nicholas pressed heavily on his mind. The morning sun cast long shadows, and the city buzzed with activity, but Reign felt a sense of urgency that made him quicken his pace. He arrived at the monastery, the tiny house looking more like an apartment for one.

He entered, and of course, the interior was vastly different than the exterior, as it always was.

The interior of the monastery was serene, with the soft sound of chanting echoing through the halls. Reign made his way to the inner sanctum then headed to the upper floors and right toward the main office, where Drayce was known to reside most of the time.

Upon getting close to Drayce's office, Reign suddenly stopped and glanced to the side as he saw Drayce who was reading a book and leaning against a wall before glancing up at him.