New Spear

Aelrinder nodded appreciatively and followed Adrian into the smithy, the rest of the team trailing behind. The smithy was a bustling place filled with the clinking of metal, the roar of the forge, and the scent of burning coals. Tools of all shapes and sizes hung on the walls, and half-finished projects littered the workbenches.

Adrian led Aelrinder to a large table covered in blueprints and various crafting materials. "Sit," he instructed, pulling out a chair. Aelrinder did as told, and Adrian began laying out different types of metals, crystals, and other components.

"We'll start with the design," Adrian said, rolling out a large sheet of parchment. "Tell me what you're looking for in this spear."

Aelrinder thought for a moment. "I want something that combines elegance with power, something similar to the weapon I already use."