Enemy Army Marches Forward

Minutes turned into hours as Aethion methodically extracted information. The combatant's resistance was formidable, but Aethion's persistence was greater. Gradually, the captive's defiance began to crumble, replaced by the fear and agony Aethion's methods induced.

Finally, Aethion looked up, his expression one of grim satisfaction. "I have what we need."

Reign and the team leaned in, eager to hear the results. Aethion began to relay the information. "The Shadow Serpents are planning a large-scale attack on Amelia's faction tomorrow."

"Actually, not just her faction, but all the factions that were defending themselves against them and working with her."

"They aim to cripple the defenses and force the faction into submission."

"From what this guy knows, Serpents are going to to handle this on their own to prove their worth to the vampires who are getting a bit annoyed by what is happening."

Amelia's face paled. "Tomorrow?!"