Fortress of Despair

Reign and the others stared at the scene, at the barren land that was present in front of them, and the enormous fortress that loomed in the distance.

"Where are the monsters, I can't see a single thing around us," Shadow said with a calm and yet confused expression as Wolf and the others suddenly stared at him with slight anger.

"You just have to say such things, don't you?!"

Suddenly, things changed.

The ground rumbled, and the sky darkened, turning into a deeper shade of red as the gates of the fortress opened, and an army marched out.

To say marched out was not quite right, the monsters present inside the fortress ran out of it, charging straight at Reign and the others without a single care in the world.

Some fell, only to be squished by those behind them who did not stop, and there was one thing they all had in common, they were all grotesque.