The Final Phase of the Trial

Wolf's roar echoed through the chamber as the giant head of the guardian was severed from its body, hitting the ground with a thunderous crash while the body followed, collapsing with a final, earth-shaking impact. As the guardian fell, the entire fortress seemingly started to tremble, the chains of the guardian ratting one last time before they fell silent.

For a moment, the battlefield was silent, only the sound of heavy breathing coming from Reign and the others present as they stared at the guardian's body, still not relaxing as they knew that the monster had immense vitality, even stabbing through its heart had not been enough to kill it mere minutes ago.

And yet, as the giant continued lying down on the ground, no sound or movement coming from it, they realized that they had done it, the guardian of the fortress, a creature of great strength that had taken them everything they had in their normal forms to battle, was finally dead, defeated by their hands.