I’ll Chase Your Love

(The plot goes back a bit, guys, a few hours before Jasmine crosses paths with Rafael )


 This morning, instead of going to the office, Leonardo invited Kato to accompany him to practice. Kato complied when Leonardo gave him a protective suit and matt gloves as a base to hold his fists in. Kato really will be the butt of Leonardo's unresolved lust.

[ Tch, I have to waste my strength, or I'm going to attack Jasmine right now, ] Leonardo thought. For the past few days, Jasmine has been acting up, whether it's following Leonardo's bath or even sleeping on top of him when Leonardo wakes up. so seductive, so naughty.

 With a bit of anger mixed with annoyance, Leonardo threw a barrage of punches. Kato held it with all his might. Not only hooks and stiff jabs, high foot kicks, and Leonardo's front double kick made Kato back off, pushed back.