Stay With Me, Baby!

"Done? Let's get some ice cream for Regina." Rafael again took Jasmine. Jasmine followed obediently, but the array of fresh fish and crustaceans distracted Jasmine's focus.

"El, look!! There's a crab!" Jasmine let go of Rafael's hold and ran towards the fishmonger.

"Careful, Jas," Rafael warns Jasmine not to run.

"Yes!!" Jasmine nodded.


Rafael had just come to a crossroads leading to the grocery store. Suddenly.

Bang... bang.. bang...

Gunshots rang out. Blindly towards Jasmine and Rafael.

"KYAAA!!" Everyone shouted. They were scared.

The shot was aimed at Jasmine. A group of unknown people who were Lexandro's emissaries fired dozens of bullets at Jasmine.

Jasmine and the rest of the humans who were there reflex lowered their heads, lying down with their hands above their heads so that the bullets wouldn't hit them. Several people floundered in pain from bullets.