8. CAPULLO Graduation Time!

Graduation time.

Lights on!

I didn't get to graduate. For some reason I did not graduated- literally. I did not get the hurst score but graduated, not with flying colours. My math was not an amusing percentage, but I filled in the requirements. The government kept on changing the year's education program.

That final year wasn't quite planned for me. It wasn't approved either. I was fed up,

My future wasn't clear nor interesting nor compelling. I was in limbo again.

I was feared for my future. I felt it wasn't appropriate for me.

I had very low percentage of graduating. My math percentage of meeting the requirements of the years education al syllabus was not as satisfactory as per year's requirements, in other words I was 'just' graduated because it was only math that had the lowest marks compared to the

other subjects.

The highest score: Arts, Religion, Science, Literature, English and Sports.

I felt the necessity of earning my own money and my independence. I could contribute to the family's expenses. I had all of the sudden, as voice to be heard, a vote on the family's decision. That meant 'big decisions'

Wow! Big time

I felt special

I felt nobody could ever tell me to shut up...

I could build up my own life

I was my boss


I was on my own

I was free

What the heck

Wtf do I do now?

I got f*ing scared now.....
