Saul school days.
There's something wrong here.
Lito's life was about to have a 360 degrees turn. His dad got sick. Working all those days, that he naturally cherished snd dearly loved, put a toll on him. Climate change was not in favour.
Coffee crops were not producing. The sugar cane land crops were growing, but did not make father happy. Many of our neighbours had to take the drastic decision of moving up closer to the city, leaving behind all those wonderful dreams of living in a place where all shared great stories of loving people sharing good times, sitting down in the table, sharing stories told by their great great grandfathers and grandmothers.
Stories of sour tears during the time Spanish came and took over the native people.
How their ancestors were bullied and treated like animals and how they lost their precious land to the hand of strangers.
Everything was beautiful until they got conquered.