A Birthday to remember part 2

Allura's POV

This was not today go…but then again it really does when one is part of the Voltron force! Still, I am left speechless by the other Voltron team's brutal attack strategy…though I suppose I should have seen it coming in hindsight!

I had after all seen a glimpse of this relentless furious and deadly…near surgical precision during a training session with the team; I remember what Raimon said just before the group had started the exercise.


"Alright everyone listen up, "Raimon said seemingly pressing a button on the back of his Bayard…or 'voltcom' as pidge likes to call them, and a dozen or so humanoid-shaped training droids sprung out from underneath the metal floor and immediately taking a fighting stance.

"…ha don't you think that's a little too easy for the six of us chief?" The green Delta pilot Kade laughed with a slightly arrogant and prideful smile on his face.

Lance leaned in close between me,"…five bucks says that greenie goes down first!" he whispered and I couldn't even believe he even suggest betting on one of our allies getting hurt."Lance!" I said disappointedly," what?" he said defensively raising his hands slightly."…I'd take that bet!"Hunk said jokingly with a faint smile on his face.

"Hunk?"I said stunned

"My moneys on the clone!"Pidge said wickedly with a mischievous smirk of confidence.

"Pidge!"I said again with a slightly offended tone in my voice as I blushed a little at the comment about Fala-who yes turns out is my genetic clone created by Raible...which made it hurt a little that one of my closest friends would think her so...' weak'.

"Ha my moneys on the droids…all twelve of them!" even Keith was getting in on the betting.

I said nothing and solemnly shook my head in disapproval…but that was nothing compared to my utter shock at what happened next-Raimon again pressed a button on his 'voltcom' and suddenly the twelve training droids suddenly took on the appearance of drule soldiers.

"Wow?!" pidge said astonished.

"Those look exactly like drule foot soldiers!"Lance said as usual stating the obvious.

"… the Last one to finish does latrine duty for a week!"Bara laughed readying her two-bladed scythe-like weapon.

"Deal!"Raimon says back with a faint smirk on his face.

The gladiator team wasted no time at all in making short work of the training droid...the simple training exercise quickly turning into a simulated massacre within the brief period of two seconds-in fact if I did not know for a fact that this was training drill...it would definitely be utterly horrific-come to think of it...it still is slightly; the Voltron team attacks with an aggressive...and almost frightening level of ruthlessness and efficiency that made my skin crawl-Raimon and Fala's particular level of both brutal, effectiveness, and metaphorical lethality made my face go pale as I watched the two-slice, hack and even barehandedly dismantle through droid after droid...even as the floor opens to reveal reinforcement droids...the six simply tearing through the droids as if they were made of cardboard-I focused on Fala...her movements were swift and elegant-but also deadly as she quickly makes a scrap pile of droid after droid with a little assistance from Raimon...the so-called 'sister and brother' duo working in eerily perfect harmony as they reduced the number of robots...even as more appeared from underneath the lead-lined floor.

Fala's...shall we say 'rather impressive' skills left me questioning my own capabilities as a fighter...every strike she took was precise and flawlessly effective...perhaps to effective-I abruptly began to wonder if I too was capable of being as deadly efficient as my doppelganger...but soon these thoughts are interrupted by the startling sound of a familiar voice.

"By the great goddess!" was all Nanny said as she stood in the doorway with auntie Orla right.

The horrified expression on Nanny's face was something I had never seen from her before...a look of utter dread?

Al's POV

I know this might sound a bit negative or cynical but...this was too easy-the drule forces were merely retreating -or at least seemed to be."...please tell me I'm not the only one who finds this a little off?" I say out voicing my suspicions.

Raimon's image soon appeared on my contact screen-his facial expression darkened and serious." no...stay alert everyone...there's something not right!"Ray warns as an intense glare gleamed in his aqua green eyes.

But of course…as if on cue-a massive fifty stories taller creature that was Frankenstein like a patchwork of several creatures and technology is launched from one of the drule ships,(most likely the command ship)-the creature was a good two meters taller than Voltron…with large leathery bat-like wings, a metallic torso-three hydra-like heads, shiny crustacean-like pincers, and lion-like feet to top it off…yeah this was definitely Raible's handiwork!


The beast roars like booming thunder before instantly unleashing an inferno of neon based fire on the surrounding city below…no doubt injuring-if not outright killing thousands of innocent people;for a moment the whole team is left stunned at potentially witnessing such a massive loss and major disregard for sentient life…or flat out life in general.

"…This ends here and now!"Ray said coldly as he quickly buried his emotions deep down.

"Right!" I say quickly pressing a sequence of buttons and launching three infra missiles at the raging creature.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The missiles all hit their intended target spot on-though only minor damage to the creature…it was more than enough to grab the big quiznack's attention.


It roars angrily before leaping for Voltron with claws ready to snap at Voltron-the big guy manages to merely duck under the beast, Voltron swiftly burying a knee into the creature's fleshy gut…sending it flying upwards ten feet into the air; Voltron let's lose another blazing slash…the blade-shaped collection of energy easily cutting off the beast's left claw causing it to briefly reel back in pain.


The creature wailed out in pain-it wasn't long before the lion force team caught up and quickly formed their own mighty robot.

"Ok…Raimon?-so what's the plan here?" the team's captain Keith Kogane asks seriously.

Usual it does not take our 'little Captain' long to come up with a solid enough plan."…ok first let's give this robeast a little distraction!" he says quickly snapping his fingers and as if out of thin air- six more Voltrons suddenly appear…or at least that is what it appeared to be!

Allura's POV

This-this was unbelievable? Suddenly there were now eight Voltrons at once-or at least that was what I initially thought before Raimon quickly explained what was really happening:"these illusions will keep the creature busy long enough for you deal with it…and for us to take care of the drule command ship!" the way he says 'take care of' causes a small lump to form in my throat.

"…Raimon…please don't tell me you actually mean to-"Raimon abruptly cuts me off.

"…We don't have the luxury of doing this 'morally' princess… the drules are too big a threat to be treated lightly!" in other words 'no mercy for the enemy',"…but Lotor-" "is most likely the commander office…I'm sorry princess…but regardless of whatever twisted feelings you may have for him…he is still a threat…Raimon out!" he said angrily ending the transmission.

"'Feelings'?" I repeated back…does-does Raimon really think that I love Lotor? I shake my defeatedly resigned to reluctantly go along with the barbaric plan." princess…you don't actually think that young Raimon-"Nanny began to ask but interrupted,"yes…no matter how much I don't want to believe it-I do believe that Raimon fully intends to kill Lotor if it means stopping this…'robeast'!?" I said sadly…I don't blame Raimon-Lotor has made it blatantly clear that he has neither the desire nor inkling of reforming his ways-but still killing him?

I shake my head one final time as I quickly falling into formation with the others.

Al's POV

The lion force Voltron quickly formed their version of the mighty robot-four of the five lion heads roared ferociously and soon the mighty robot stood ready for battle.

"ok everyone…just stick to the plan and everything should go smoothly!"Ray said in his usual neutral expression and cold-almost robotic Demeter.

The Robeast repeatedly attacks the fake Voltron illusions that Raimon quickly conjured up as a distraction…the lion team seemingly going along with the Plan."ok team…now it's our turn to play our part of the plan…but first!"Ray said quickly ordering central shift.

Voltron quickly disassembled and shifted as Beta quickly took center place."…alright, Sis-it's your time to shine!"Raimon told his older sister, and Fala waste no time in taking the rings.

"Form Ion katanas!"Fala said as Voltron instantaneously summoned two energy-charged blades of solid ionic energy.

Soon The mighty robot vertically spinning in a hurricane-like tornado of energy and precision as Voltron carved a deadly path through the remaining drule forces-ships explode by the second as the two ion-based katana blades easily slice and dice a metaphorical bloody path through the remaining fleet.

Soon enough we find just the ship we were.


Third person's POV

Lotor could feel his own heart race-the aching pain it brought was something that the prince doom had not felt since…since Baltrous…the first real defeat that Lotor had really known!

"…umm Prince Lotor?" one of the drule officers said hesitantly.

Lotor is snapped out of his sim trance like state-the drule prince quickly composed himself…his shoulders relaxing slightly and his back straightening to giving him an air of authority over the much taller man standing before him." err…what are your orders my lord?" the man asks slightly nervous.

For the first in his life…Lotor found himself at a loss-the drule prince soon lost himself again in deep thought briefly before finally answering the soldier."…tell all remaining ships to hold their ground and defend the flagship at all cost!"Lotor ordered loudly as his fist down on the black and red leather-lined arm of his commandchair-the soldier quickly solutes." long live Zarkon! long live the supremacy!" The man said giving a quick salute before going to do as bid.

As the man left Lotor slightly slouched back into the rough leather cushions of his throne-like command chair." victory or death!"Lotor said softly as he look out the tainted screen window of his command ship, and saw the fastly approaching Voltron with two Ionic katanas at the ready.

'Victory or…death?'Lotor silently thought as prepared to clash with the mighty robot.


Allura's POV

The robeast-no! whatever this...this creature was-it was no robeast,robeast were one thing...but this was...'something else' entirely; a deep crimson red colored liquid dripping from the stump where the creature's left claw had once been."B-by all the gods!"I almost squealed as a gut-wrenching revelation dunged on me." boys this creature-"the words choke my throat as a sudden dryness took hold."what is it princess!"Keith asked sounding abit annoyed."it's that…' robeast'…I think it's alive?"I said somewhat shaken.

Keith seemed unfazed by that particular nugget of information."…look princess I know that believe in the preservation of life…but we all have make sacrifice for the greater good sometime!"the words stabbed at my heart like a dagger…still I couldn't deny that he was right.


The creature shrieked loudly-as if in immense pain just as the booming sound of an explosion echoes in the sky-the beast began to attack wildly…it lunged forward with a dangerously high level of energy beginning to surge from the mechanical parts of its body.

"…Well it looks like Raimon's team did their plan-"Keith says while pidge nearly blocks a swing of the creature's remaining claw."ugh yeah…and this thing's twice as mad before!" He says managing to quickly flip The creature over the shoulder with a little help from Lance…something tells this is where things get a lot more…'bloody'.

Al's POV

The drule flagship plummets down to solid ground-the ship's hall spurting small and explosive burst of smoke and flame as went down…chunks of metal and debris pouring out of the massive slash wounds that Fala's katanas had made." nicely done Fa!"Bara said with a faint smirk." naturally!"Fala replied back."…we're not done yet!"Ray says pulling up an image of the lion force team still struggling with the chimera-like creature.

"well chief what do you think…should we give them a hand?"I jokingly

Ray gave an almost sarcastic smile." sure why not?" he said with a faint tone of sarcasm and instantly went to aid our fellow Voltron force.

Voltron quickly reverted back to Alpha formation-Ray's blazing brawn sword easily slicing the creature's other claw off.

"Fssh thanks for the hand!" Keith said with a weary smile of gratitude.

"Anytime Captain…now let's finish this!"Raimon with a pumped-up look of determination in his eyes.

"Right!!" the other Voltron leader replies back just as determined.

'Form Blazing Sword!!'I hear him cry out as a great longsword made of solid energy quickly formed in the mighty robot's jaw-like hands.

Soon enough the two Voltrons strike in perfect unison slicing the beast's body in an X-like shape in it's electronic torso-sparks and blood pours out from the opening…the creature letting out one final wail of pain before dying in an inferno like explosion.

I quickly shielded my eyes from the subsequent bright flashing flare that follow…gleams of white light still managing to seep through between my fingers-the blast shockwave manages to force the giant robots back roughly…my whole body arches back against the leathery cushions of my seat.

"…Is everyone still in one piece?"Katie asked slightly sarcastically as she gently rubbed a no doubt red sore spot on her forehead.

"Yup…though for a moment their…I briefly felt this morning's breakfast making a comeback!"Fala jokes.

"I'll live…now lick your wounds and be prepare to finish this!"Raimon says even while he was also rubbing his no doubt still throbbing temple.

"Aye aye, Captain!"I say managing a weak smirk.


Third person's POV

Prince Lotor could feel a sharp-jagged piece of metal deeply lodged in his abdomen…not so deep that it threatened to do any long-lasting damage-but would cause some minor excessive bleeding if removed…though the young man was already bleeding a little from pre-established injuries sustained in the abrupt crash landing of the ship.

"Prince Lotor!"a familiar voice says worriedly.

It takes Lotor a good while to put a name to the familiar-sounding voice." H-Haggar?" he finally manages to croak out in a weak-almost mousy tone of voice as his lungs were slowly filling with blood.

""Haggar…aaaugh?"Lotor says quickly feeling an abrupt rush of sharp pain.

"Please young lord…do not attempt to stand just yet!" The old witch before quickly ripping the twisted rod of metal from the prince's abdomen causing suddenly geyser like spurt of began spurting from the man's side.

Haggar acted fast…using her dark magicks to mend the wound-though still did nothing for the massive amount of blood loss; the old woman carefully help her young master to his feet-Lotor's threatening to buckle under the pressure of his own weight."…we must hurry before the Voltron force arrives at our current location!"

"Voltron force?" the memory abruptly Struck Prince Lotor like a bolt from the heavens.

The man's face went pale white with fear as the memory of what happened mere moments ago emerged; the image of the mighty robot launched a deadly wave of fire and neon energy at the remaining remnant of his forces…killing what was his Ariel and stellar forces-and he, Lotor prince of Doom could do nothing but try and evade it in an attempt to escape destruction-though not completely unscathed as Lotor quickly scanned his surround-his vision still blurry...but it was enough to see the deck of his flagship-half on fire with rainbow-colored sparks spurting from the damaged controls and equipment."...are we the only ones to survive the crash?" the prince groaned out between gritted teeth-the old woman gave no answer...ordinarily Lotor would demand the witch answer him-but after briefly turning his head slightly to the left-the bloody and lifeless body of witch's pet cat Jaga impaled on a spikey corkscrew-like piece of blackened metal.

"A piety witch-"the prince said in what had to be the most sincere tone the woman had heard from the young man, Haggar barely responded to him...the old witch immediately used dark magic to-well not exactly heal...it more accurate to say that the old woman was numbing the severity of the prince's injuries.

"…We must hurry before the Voltron force arrives at our current location!"Haggar says leveling the prince on left side.

Lotor nodded understandingly-his vocal cords still too damaged for any attempt at speech;the two somehow managed their way out of the burning wreckage that was once their command ship,Lotor needing to lean himself up against Haggar to merely stand let alone walk…in fact the very notion of standing was proving a great challenge for him as his leg seemed to be constantly threatening to buckle under his own weight.

Lotor's vision was still a hazy mess…with both lights and solid objects blending into a twisted kaleidoscope of colors and faded shapes.

"Aaugh!?"Haggar grunted as a spear shaped bolt of energy pierced her right shoulder forcing her reel back and allow Lotor collapse onto the hard marble like asphalt.

"…I would suggest you stay down-"a voice said a few feet ahead of the two feeling would be invaders.

Lotor's golden sclera eyes widened with a mix of both shock and dread."No!"he mumbled as he weakly raised his head to face whoever was attacking them…though the prince of doom immediately wishes he hadn't."…p-please I beg-"Lotor says seeing the two Voltron teams looming over him-though in truth it was only the gladiator team that struck utter dread the prince of doom's blackened heart.

Al's POV

"Nice aim Ray!" I said before summoning two energy based short axes."…don't you think that was a-bit you know…'unnecessary'?"Allura asked with a stunned expression.

I laughed lightly patting the back of her shoulder."…you worry too much cousin!"I said reassuringly but Allura's face still had a very unconvinced look on it.

"Don't worry your highness…we're only killing the witch…I still need your boyfriend alive for questioning!"Kat said half smiling.

Allura's face immediately went a bright reddish pink color,"He is not nor will he ever be my'boyfriend'!"she stated with a slightly icy tone in her voice.

Katie soon raised both her hands offensively with a slightly mischievous smile faintly showing on her face."come down your highness…I was only teasing!"Kat said before quickly sliding down after Raimon and Fala-the drule prince immediately began squirming on the hardened ground like a vaserian bog-worm."…going somewhere your highness?"Brax joked as his right boot came stomping down onto Lotor's white gloved hand causing him to let out an almost squeal like noise.

"L-lord Raimon p-p-please!"'Nanny pleaded meekly.

Ray gave an ice cold glare…lips twisted downward in a rather mean looking scowl."what did I say before about calling me that?"he almost hissed at her-the fat woman quickly reeled back with a pale face.

"A-apologies I…I meant Raimon-"the old woman says with an audible gulping sound,"wait Raimon-"Lotor spoke up over Ms.Hys-his voice sounding urgent and almost panicky.

Ray carefully took a few steps closer to him-the runt placing the almost razor like edge of his neon energy based sword at the man's throat."no please don't stop now…by all means continue!"Raimon urged him with an almost sadistic smile.

"I-I'm…we're-"The prince said clumsily before Raimon finishes for him,"your my father….was that what you are struggling to say…oh trust me I know!"Ray says with a cold tone of indifference.

"Y-you know?"Lotor says stunned-his yellow eyes widening.

"Oh yes…but expect that to save your life if you some much as trying anything funny!" Raimon warned inching the blade of his sword a little causing blood trickle slightly down his neck."…is that understood?"he asked with slightly gritted teeth."y-yes!"Lotor replied sheepishly.

"Good…now Fala,Bara…would be so kind as to kill Haggar!"Ray asked in dark tone of politeness.

"Aye aye Chief!"Bara says summoned her double bladed scythe.

"Of course Raimon…as always happy to oblige!"Fala says summoning her aqua trident.

Haggar must have regained enough of her faculties to realize what was about to happen as she quickly vanished into thin air…abandoning her prince in disparate attempt of self perseveration.

"H-Haggar?"Lotor said stunned

"Huh Well I guess tough luck for you!" Raimon said

"Indeed Raimon-"a familiar voice says drawing everyones attention-everyone looked up to see a man with drule/Galran features standing overhead with Arusian soldiers flanking either side.

"Who the heck are you?"Lance asked with the same puzzled expression as the rest of his teammates.

"I am Varkon…formerly of the planet Daibazaal now grandmaster of the Arusian mystic division…and on behalf of the High council I welcome you to new Arus!"the man said with a faint yet still welcoming smile across his lips.

"What?!?"the lion force team say in confusion and disbelief…something tells me that this is going to take a long while to explain.

To be continued…

Thanks for reading everyone